Friday, January 20, 2012

and away we go!

After a seemingly endless six week Christmas break, it's time to bid "farvel" to the United States and everyone I love in it. Even though I spent the better part of the last two days packing, repacking, and then packing again, I still can't believe that I leave in just a few short hours. 

I really wish I could say this is what my room looks like only when I'm packing... this is in fact what my room looks like on a typical day. One [unrealistic] goal for Copenhagen is to fight all my natural instincts and not allow my host fam to see my utterly slovenly side.. maybe I can leave that in the US? Probs not, but it's worth a shot. 

This is my last post from the fabulous US! Hopefully, next time you hear from me I will have figured out my living situation for tomorrow night (I, perhaps unintelligently, decided to fly into Copenhagen a day early to "explore the city" (read: wander aimlessly, as I have no directional sense). This also means that I have no clue what I'm doing for almost a full day. More on this later..)

hej hej! see ya in scandinavia!

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