Tuesday, January 24, 2012

orientating myself

Yesterday was the beginning of a three day long orientation. So far, everything has been super helpful... although yesterday was a bit of a challenge for me. We had an "amazing race" throughout Copenhagen, where we had to find and listen to a lecture about five important sites and figure out how to shop in a grocery store, which in itself led to great confusion...

(for example, yogurt or milk? It's yogurt! They're found in deceivingly similar packages, leading to a rather unpleasant surprise when you pour it out...)

We were given four hours to complete everything. Instead of finding 5 sites and the grocery store in four hours, our group ended up only finding two sites, the grocery store, and an awesome pastry/coffee shop where I'm planning on spending lots of time. To top it all off, we got back to DIS half an hour late. 

I think this exercise was intended to make us more confident in our navigational skills around the city, but I can't say it did for me. My navigationally-challenged self will still need to wander throughout the streets a bit more until I feel any more comfortable. 

Today, instead of traversing through the freezing streets of Copenhagen, I went to a couple sessions on proper etiquette, which is unfortunately very different from I'm used to in South/North Carolina. Basically, I have to stop saying ma'am and sir, stop apologizing for everything, stop thanking my family for everything, and not be too enthusiastic. If you know me at all, then you know that these will be unbelievably hard habits to break. Danes also have a very dry sense of humor, which I definitely do not have. It'll be interesting to see over the next couple months how much of my southern-ness I do and don't retain. 

I know that so far, my pictures have been... well, nonexistent (except for that excellent picture of yogurt up there!), but more actual pictures of the city and the suburb will coming soon! stay tuned!! 


ps. In case you hadn't already heard, "Man or Muppet" from the latest Muppet movie is nominated for best song at the Oscars.. this actually just made my day. It's time to meet the Muppets..

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