Sunday, February 5, 2012

no such thing as too cold

This morning, I woke up to find this outside my window:

Naturally, my host family thought this was perfect weather to go for a run in!

Hanne, Jonnie (host mom and dad), Betina and her boyfriend Ditlev, Sandra and her boyfriend Casper, and I (7th-wheeling it like a champ) in preparation mode.

During the 4 mile run through this...

...I was listening to this..

..and it made me miss home... or at least warm weather. 

Yesterday was the coldest it's been since I arrived (-14 celsius.. 6 degrees in F?). A couple Danes told me even they were shocked by how absurdly cold it is. 

what I've looked like for the last few days. no joke

1 comment:

  1. Excellent movie reference. Glad I'm going in the fall when the climate is a little friendlier (but the sun sets around 4pm) =/
