Tuesday, March 20, 2012

picnics and coffee and (more) travel plans

My host family had the fantastic idea to have a picnic with the other host families and students in and around Hedehusene! Not everyone could make it, but it was still a super hyggeligt afternoon. I loved getting to meet some of the other families and hearing about their experiences; one family said that their current student is the 20th student living in their home- they've been doing this for 14 years!

I decided to splurge on this 42 kroner coffee from Baresso, the Danish equivalent of Starbucks. The stirrer has a huge chunk of white chocolate on it and you stir it into the coffee until it melts in.. was it worth 42 kroner? definitely, but not more than once a semester.

I'm from a pretty small town back in the States.. the closest Starbucks to where I live is a 45 minute drive. Yeah, that's real. However, I think I finally empathize with the rest of the US when they complain about having a huge coffee chain on every street corner, less than 50 meters apart from each other (you like my use of the metric system there? that's right. I'm basically European).

You know something I love about Copenhagen? There are always new discoveries to be made while walking down familiar streets. For example, you can just be sauntering along down a road you've walked countless times before, you look up, and BAM there's an elephant above your head!

You know something else I love about Denmark? I'll be in the city all day, decide to go for a run in the burbs, and then all of a sudden I'm on a farm? I actually thought I was in Georgia for a second. I even spotted a cow, but didn't manage to sneak a picture of the elusive creature.

new favorite? I think so.

Lately, whenever someone has told me that they've read my blog, their next comment always has to do with pastries. Some have suggested we go bakery hunting, some have simply commented on my obvious love of wienerbrød, and one even suggested that I compile these pictures and turn it into a book. I don't think I'm quite there yet, though.


Maybe I won't be singing a love medley with Ewan McGregor on an elephant, but I am going to be staying in a Parisian hostel that's only about half a kilometer from the Moulin Rouge itself! I'm heading to Paris with my friend, Shelby, from my core class. On Friday, I'm meeting up with some familiar faces from Davidson(!) to head to the French/Spanish border town of Pergignan.

I'll keep y'all updated! vi ses!

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